Our Supporting Young Minds Project, supported by Artswork and the Chichester Festival Theatre, has now drawn to a close. Throughout this project we were so excited to support and encourage many wonderful children and young people develop fantastic skills in a variety of creative disciplines including digital gaming, rap, devising, Verbatim theatre, puppetry, creative writing, green screen, Shakespeare, masking making, costume design and more..
A very lucky group of young people had the enviable experience of visiting the Centre for Creative and Immersive Extended Reality (CCXIR) facility in Portsmouth which is the ‘UK’s first integrated facility that brings together the latest XR technologies under the one roof.’
These lucky primary school children from Littlehampton spent the day playing with motion capture, volumetric video and other XR immersive experiences.
We were also fortunate to have entire year group from a Crawley primary school visit a production at the Chichester Festival Theatre called Jina and the Stem Sisters by Little Angel Theatre.
‘This multi-media musical puppet show is based on the discoveries and stories of historical STEM women who fought against the odds to pursue their flair for scientific enquiry, often unacknowledged for their discoveries and who frequently encountered discrimination and prejudice along the way.’
This was then followed by a visit to the school for a puppetry workshop with the children.
Very exciting!
Photo by Clive Barda
We are very excited to announce that we will be offering free Creative Careers Assemblies to schools across West Sussex.
We have been in chats with all our freelancers and creatives both here at Creative County West Sussex and the Chichester Festival Theatre asking every colleague, from backstage to box office, marketing to digital media, costume to catering to get involved in sharing their career journeys with us.
To support this initiative, we are in the process of creating an exciting interactive experience to enable us to share with you insights and information into the many career pathways available within the very extensive and fulfilling creative industries.
To enquire about a Creative Career’s Assembly for your school please contact us at cepwestsussex@cft.org.uk
Finally, we are thrilled to announce that we have just launched our 2023-24 Creative Curriculum Support Project.
This project will focus on growth, resilience and inclusivity and our key aims for this project are;
Activities on offer include sound scaping, puppetry, devising theatre, creative writing, exploring Shakespeare, costume design (mask / crown), technical theatre workshops, physical/ensemble/musical theatre workshops.
This project will be delivered directly into 10 specially selected schools who, we believe will mostly benefit from this creative support. However these short-term creative support workshops can also be available to any primary or secondary school across West Sussex.
If you are not one of the lucky schools to have been selected but would be interested in participating in the Creative Learning Support Programme please contact us for further information on availability and cost.
We are dedicated to offering creative learning support to as many students, schools and colleges across this county as we possibly can, so we would love to hear from you.
For further information or to register interest in regular Creative County West Sussex updates please emails cepwestsussex@cft.org.uk with your details.
We can’t wait to hear from you!!