At CCWS we enlist the support of a pool of freelance professional artists who specialise in specific areas of expertise. Many of whom are working directly with the very latest in industry techniques, productions and developments in Theatre, TV, Film & Gaming. The team are always keen to share their knowledge with the children and young people we work with.
All workshops are participatory and have been designed with clear objectives and outcomes which can be tweaked depending on the requirements the project.
As a Cultural Education Partnership (CEP) for the South East region we have worked with schools and organisations from Brighton to Portsmouth and have delivered creative learning opportunities for CYP from Reception to Sixth Form.
In a recent study by the University of Sussex, results show Creative Learning can improve areas of;
University of Sussex, 2022
Speaking Shakespeare
Devising Theatre
Writing Techniques
Developing a voice and opinion through argument
Working with text
Musical Theatre
Musical composition
Making Theatre
Developing/Building Character - Animals Workshop
Mask Workshops
Improvisation Techniques Masterclass